
At UCI, courses are assigned a unit value determined by the number of hours of work required of the student, rather than the number of class meetings. Normally, two hours of preparation are required for one hour of lecture.

If you are from a school on the semester system, here is how to convert quarter units, as currently used by the University of California, to semester units: simply multiply the number of quarter units by 2/3. Therefore, 4 quarter units are equal to 2-2/3 semester credits, etc.

The credit value of each course in quarter units is indicated by a number in parentheses ( ) following the title.

Grade Options

You have the choice of taking classes for a Letter Grade, Pass/Not Pass, or Audit options unless a restriction is stated in the course description.

  1. Letter Grade: If you do not indicate a selection, we will automatically assign the Letter Grade option (A, B, C, D or F).
  2. Pass/Not Pass: If you earn a grade of “C” or better and have a Pass/Not Pass grade, it is recorded as a Pass and you receive unit credit for the course. If you earn a grade of “C-” or below, the grade is recorded as a Not Pass, and you will receive no unit credit for the course. In both cases, your grade for the course will not be computed into your grade point average.
  3. Audit: You may enroll to attend any Summer Session course on a “not-for-credit” basis. Students completing coursework or tests from previous quarters should use this grading option. If you wish to audit a course, please follow regular registration procedures and pay the full fee listed for each course. Classes taken for “audit” will not appear on your transcript.

Incomplete Grades

An “I” or Incomplete grade is assigned to a student by an instructor when the student’s work is of passing quality, but is incomplete because of circumstances beyond the student’s control, and when the student has been temporarily excused by the instructor from completing the course work. The student must make arrangements with their instructor to complete the coursework within a period of no more than twelve months following the term in which the Incomplete grade was originally awarded, or prior to the end of the quarter immediately preceding award of the degree, whichever comes first. The instructor is not obligated to allow the maximum time period.

Grades Not Reported

An “NR” or No Report is given when an instructor’s final grade course report is not submitted or when the student’s name was on the official class roster, but the instructor did not assign a grade for the student. NR becomes an F or NP after one quarter of subsequent enrollment or at the end of the quarter immediately preceding award of the degree, whichever comes first. Please consult the UCI General Catalog for additional details.

Students making up an “NR” or an “I” from a previous quarter should enroll in Summer Session using the Audit grade option. Course fees and all Summer Session deadlines still apply.

Classification and Numbering of Courses

  1. Lower Division: 1-99 open to freshmen and sophomores, or any students who need lower division courses.
  2. Upper Division: 100-199 normally open only to students who have completed at least one lower division course in the subject or two years of college work. Special study courses for undergraduates are numbered 190-199. Courses in the 100 series may be offered in partial fulfillment of requirements for the Master’s degree if taken with the approval of the major department and upon admittance to graduate status.
  3. Graduate: 200-299, while primarily planned for those with Bachelor’s degrees, may be taken by qualified undergraduates with the consent of the instructor.
  4. Professional courses for teaching credential candidates: 300-399.

Candidacy for Degrees

If you plan to use Summer Session courses in partial fulfillment of the requirements for higher degrees and certificates, please seek the advice and study list approval from the appropriate advisor in your major concentration. Acceptance of a particular course toward any University degree is also subject to the approval of the dean of the School in which the degree is offered.

If you are a UCI undergraduate student who is finishing your coursework for a degree this summer, file an application for graduation with your School or program. Check with your academic counseling office for deadlines.

2021 Session Dates

Session I: Jun 21 – Jul 28
10-week: Jun 21 – Aug 27
Session II: Aug 2 – Sep 8

Dates & Deadlines