Remote Learning for Summer 2021
Leveraging our long history of high-quality online courses, Summer Session is excited to offer a fully remote set of courses this Summer to help students continue to reach their educational goals. As we create a fully remote Summer, we are constantly evaluating additional offerings and expanding sections, so we encourage students to regularly check the Summer Session website. Understandably, many students have questions about what it means for Summer Session to be remote. We encourage to watch the following video from Vice Provost Dennin for more information.
As we move forward in this unique time, I am reaching out to remind you that we have committed to a remote Summer Session. Under normal circumstances, we know that Summer Session courses help students decrease their time to degree, and more recently, research has shown that taking a few online courses during a student career also reduces the time to degree! By offering summer courses through remote instruction, we expect that you will have even more opportunities to make progress toward your degree with additional flexibility that utilizes an instructional mode that is consistent with health and safety in this unprecedented time.
For Summer Session 2021, courses will be offered as online or remote.
Courses notated as “online” have been formally developed for online offering. The vast majority of these courses do not have any acquired course meeting times. However, a few of these courses still have a required synchronous component and thus will be listed with a course meeting time.
Courses offered remotely are typically regularly held on-campus courses which have transitioned to remote offering. Remote courses will be offered synchronously or asynchronously. Synchronous courses will be listed with a course meeting time and meeting location of ‘virtual remote’. Asynchronous courses will be listed without a course meeting time and with a notation of “asynchronous”.
Students should be aware of any listed course meeting time when enrolling in courses. Students will be required to participate and attend courses during the listed meeting time.
As you plan your summer, keep in mind that the Pay for 8 policy is still in place! So, with all courses remote, this is a great time to take advantage of this cost savings.
Also, if public health rules allow, there may be a few exceptional courses that will be offered in-person. At this point, we cannot guarantee this, so please pay close attention to the website and future announcements.
Additional Resources